Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Military Spendings In Africa – A Review


throughout the 20th century, many African countries were on

the brink of a civil war, with no proper military force, many countries had to go through a process of rebuild and reform, resulting in the establishment of a newly formed and strong military to defend its people. The following list presents 10 African countries and their rich history, alongside their military power – measured spending and personnel, and how they compare to other countries in Africa or the world in total.
With about 24,000 active personnel, the Kenya Defence Forces reach a budget of about $595 million. Kenya military is known for peacekeeping missions around the world, while also being infamously tainted by corruption allegations, including various cases of human rights violation in their counter-insurgency operations.
Ever since the 21st century, the Kenya Defence Forces are under the supervision of the countries Parliament, and can no longer deploy in combat missions without permission.
Military spending rank (worldwide): 83
Military Spending rank (Africa): 8

credit: Wikipedia

The Nigerian Armed Forces are considered to be one of the strongest military forces in Africa, with 162,000 and a budget of $2.33 billion. Ever since the Nigerian Civil War has been concluded in the early 1970s, the Nigerian military has been expanding considerably.
The Nigerian Armed Forces are considered to be one of the strongest military forces in Africa, with 162,000 and a budget of $2.33 billion. Ever since the Nigerian Civil War has been concluded in the early 1970s, the Nigerian military has been expanding considerably.
They are currently considered as the 5th strongest military in Africa and spends a large portion of its budget on aircraft, naval vessels, and other land armored vehicles.
Military spending rank (worldwide): 62
Military Spending rank (Africa): 7

credit: Wikipedia

Ghana’s military was formed in 1959 after all of the British officers were ordered to withdraw. The Ghana Army has a total spending of $120 million, with active military personnel of approximately 15,500.
Despite their somewhat small size, the Ghanaian soldiers were acknowledged through the region and were given high praise in several instances of peacemaking missions and conflicts across Africa.
Military spending rank (worldwide): 113
Military Spending rank (Africa): 21

credit: Wikipedia

The ZDF, or Zambian Defence Forces, has played a big role in a number of conflicts back in the 1970s and 1980s in its region. Despite not having a navy due to the country being landlocked, The ZDF is still a strong military force nonetheless, with $245 million worth of spending.
After the conclusion of the Cold War in Zambia, The ZDF has gone though many reforms, and as of today the ZDF has an active personal of 15,100.
Military spending rank (worldwide): 99
Military Spending rank (Africa): 18

credit: Wikipedia

Formerly known as the National Resistance Army, The Uganda People’s Defence Force (UPDF) is another one of Africa’s leading military forces despite being initially crippled by ethnic divisions and low salaries. The UPDF’s total active personnel of about 46,800 as of today.
In terms of budget, however, the country’s defense spending is $280 million which roughly places them in the top 100 of the world’s highest budget defense forces.
Military spending rank (worldwide): 97
Military Spending rank (Africa): 17


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